MHS School Uniform


  • School uniforms can be obtained through Whitwells, Motueka (see link below), or by visiting our PTA Uniform Shop on Wednesdays during lunchtime 1.25 pm-2.05 pm which stocks second-hand items.  The uniform shop is located  adjacent to the hall (down the corridor towards Music) and is run by Mrs Janice Aston.

  • Full walking out uniform is a blazer, shirt/blouse, skirt/trousers, shoes, and tie. These can be hired from the uniform shop. 

  • Full-year hire requires a $50 cash deposit.

  • If the blazer requires dry cleaning (do not wash!) $15 will be deducted from this bond. If the shirt is returned dirty a further $10 will be deducted.

  • Short-term hire requires a $20 cash deposit. If the shirt is returned dirty $10 will be deducted on return.

  • Blazers and ties can be borrowed at no charge from the office for one-off events like The Big Sing, Prizegiving, etc. The office does not do long-term hire. 


We would like to emphasise the importance of our students wearing the correct school uniform. At Motueka High School, we believe that the uniform is more than just clothing; it represents our shared values, identity, and commitment to excellence.

Here are a few compelling reasons why correct uniform attire matters:

  1. Fostering Rangatiratanga (Managing Self):

  • Encouraging our students to wear the correct uniform empowers them to take ownership of their appearance and behaviour. By adhering to the dress code, they demonstrate self-discipline and respect for themselves and others.

  • When students manage their appearance, they also learn valuable life skills related to responsibility and accountability.

  1. Promoting Manaakitanga (Having Respect):

    • Our uniform symbolises unity and equality. When everyone wears the same attire, it eliminates distinctions based on socio-economic backgrounds or personal preferences.

    • By respecting the uniform, our students show respect for their peers, teachers, and the school community. It fosters a sense of belonging and inclusivity.

  2. Upholding Ako (Striving to Learn):

    • Dressing appropriately for school sets a positive tone for the learning environment. It signals readiness for engagement and active participation.

    • When students take pride in their appearance, they are more likely to approach their studies with enthusiasm. A well-presented student is a confident learner.

How Can You Support This?

  • Encourage your child to wear the correct uniform daily. Remind them that it’s not just about compliance; it’s about embracing our school culture.

  • Check that their uniform adheres to our guidelines. If adjustments are needed, please make them promptly.

  • Share with your child the significance of the uniform and how it reflects our collective values.

Benefits Beyond Appearance:

  • Wearing the correct uniform contributes to a positive school atmosphere, where everyone feels connected and respected.

  • It prepares our students for future workplaces, where dress codes and professional attire matter.

New Zealand-based research highlights the importance of students wearing correct school uniforms:

  1. Clothing and Wellbeing of Children and Young People:

    • A comprehensive study conducted by Oranga Tamariki1 sheds light on the impact of clothing on children’s wellbeing. Key findings include:

      • Safety: Children and young people who lack appropriate clothing may experience bullying and teasing. Dressing appropriately contributes to their safety.

      • Wellness: Clothing is essential for mental and physical health. It directly affects emotional wellbeing.

      • Development: Financial barriers to obtaining uniforms can impact education experiences. Uniforms promote inclusion but can be a social barrier when access is limited.

      • Connection: Household members influence clothing choices, and attitudes toward brands are socially influenced.

  2. School Uniforms and Student Attitude:

  3. The Cost of School Uniforms: A Call for Government Intervention:

These studies underscore the multifaceted benefits of correct uniforms, including safety, wellness, development and fostering a sense of connection within the school community. Let’s continue to encourage our students to take pride in their appearance, uphold our core values and contribute to our vibrant Motueka High School community.